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This product is a user-friendly and mobile application that creates tools. Suitable for: WhatsApp Business User, WhatsApp Marketing, WhatsApp Campaigns, WhatsApp Customer Relationship Management, WhatsApp Ticket System, WhatsApp Support Customer, Digital Store Online Store Online Store that allows you to increase the speed of success. Undoubtedly, communicating with customers via Watts app is the next big thing in business! Vepaar provides you with essential tools to manage your business without dipping into technical details. Use WhatsApp to grow your business. Let your business take advantage of the most common messaging programs in the world. Vepaar brings you a wide range of WhatsApp CRM features that you can use to upgrade your business to the next level. What is Vepaar you need to create customer profiles, send personal replies, save messages or create your online business page, VPAAR has it all. Create your customer profile so we have a history of your data and the conversations we've had in the past. Sales tunnels allow you to filter your customers based on a few funnel steps. This feature has proven to be effective at turning your audience into customers. This feature helps you sync any customer or group WhatsApp chat. You can view these chats or media files from your Vepaar account.
Easily manage your customer tickets and take care of the integrated customer service. Prioritize the tickets and make it difficult to update their status.